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Global Mobility Program


CA-I3SP is the first Curtin mobility program to provide students with the important triple “I” experience of an international interdisciplinary industry-focused research study.

Curtin Academy

Global Mobility Program

Why does Curtin Academy employ
the New Colombo Plan (NCP) ?

  • Curtin Academy believes the New Colombo Plan entails outcomes that would improve educational competencies of tertiary students 

  • Focused on pedagogical approaches that would enhance quality of education of tertiary students

  • Pertaining to concepts in and around Sustainable Development Goals to improve Sustainable Development outcomes by all disciplines

  • Focused on an interdisciplinary approach similarly to Curtin Academy 

  • Focused on using Design Thinking further illuminating Curtin Academy’s goal to chronically integrate innovative pedagogical approaches into Education


For more info on the New Colombo Plan, please proceed to click on the link below.

Summary of Curtin Academy
International Interdisciplinary
Industry Study Program (CA-I3SP)

CA-I3SP is the first Curtin mobility program to provide students with the important triple “I” experience of an international interdisciplinary industry-focused research study. It includes 240 Curtin students and 20 staff from each Faculty (Health Science, Business and Law, Science and Engineering, and Humanities). Students are co-partnering in a consortium with educators and thought leaders from the Curtin Academy and industry experts. Students will be co-creating directly with relevant academic, industry and government agencies to explore "hot-topics" that address the theme of academic global challenges with local action-research to support the planet.


The focus of the program built on the premise of :

  • An interdisciplinary consortium of Curtin academic staff and students to be globally engaged.

  • To lead industry interactions through project-based collaborations/partnerships to address global challenges with local action.

  • To promote students’ sense of belonging to a global community and instil life-long stewardship of the planet.

  • To support online engagement via Webinars for greater inclusion, and wider audience access and to increase participation & dissemination.


Based on the Design Thinking model, all students used the same pedagogical approach with the learning experience to be framed within the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They have engaged with different industry and community groups in the country, and focus on ‘contemporary issues’ raised, and problems detected. This project typifies Curtin University’s 2030 focus on People, Planet and Partnerships.

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